Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry California ZOOmas

This has been a crazy and fun trip.Our flights were easy and we made it. Despite the fact that American Airlines doesn't let families with little creatures preboard! WTF!!!!! Not looking forward to that aspect of the return flight...will let you know all the juicy details tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Oak Drive Zoo

We are off!Taking the creatures to see Sharky's isnt pretty the Safari jeep is almost packed but the little ones are still asleep-go figure! Will post from there! Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursdays at the Hairhouse

Any of you Grey Gulls Girls who read this are either laughing or crying at this point, not to worry I wasnt getting a perm only to get it straightened. Nonetheless, I was relaxing at Sharmaine's after a facial and massage (spoiled, I know)and waiting to get my haircut. Nice woman sitting next to me suddenly CHOKED. I asked if she was allright and when she could only gasp, I did heimlech-and it worked after a few tries! I urge you all to refresh yourselves on the procedure and jump in and help someone-while it was terrifying I was really calm-imagine that-and worth the feeling of knowing I helped someone!

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

She's home! My right hand woman from brown eyed girls days gone by, is home! Stetson is doing her right, still skinny and happy...and lots of great stories to tell! And we just cleaned out my closet! We have to agree that we may have gone overboard on the sweaterdress/leggings combo....but birdlegs here can't help it. AND we have come to the conclusion that if we switch around a few items at Saks and Target, I just need two pairs of shoes and I am set. YAY! love it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Don't get all nervous and think I am going to start calling out the Belleair Bees...I am talking about myself here. I actually get upset when people don't update there blogs..pardon me, right? Sorry I am guilty. Life is in good and full swing here. A touch of illness but all are fending for themselves at this point. I am sitting on the floor in my office deeply satisfied by my recent experience with Look out my out of towners-this year your gift is on time!
Back to previous post-we held on tight at the Christmas tree lot and got a nice tree and a candy cane without incident. The tree is up and the stockings are to just point and click a few more times and all will have a good night.
***I reread my not updated blog and realized I never told you all about Baby Donahue! Thomas Dwyer Donahue made it into the world on Thanksgiving Friday...after the longest labor in history..he is here!!! Bear and Monkey cannot wait to teach him a few tricks!
Hint on a great and maybe inexpensive way to spend time with your friends this holiday season. Make a fabulous brunch, invite your besties over, and do a craft project! Lookout Martha Stewart! I would post photos of the project but then someone's gift will not be a surprise!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


They might HATE Santa....
The creatures came to Mommy's shop to see Santa, and they BAWLED! Now we are not allowed to read any Santa books and we just had a fit over a Santa T-shirt...wish me luck at the Christmas tree lot. God help us if someone wears a Santa hat. Bright side? we won't be waiting in line at the mall to see Santa!

Look everyone Dianne taught me how to push return-voila! New paragraph!
More later about the tree!

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's December!!!

Doesnt it feel so festive??? Haven't been outside yet but last I checked it was HOT and HUMID!I am trying not to dive into Cyber Monday but honestly what is better then online shopping? I mean besides Target??? The Bear is hacking up a lung so he will have to stay home from school, which is sad on so many levels. Maybe Fluffy Bunny will come get him! Presently working on a playdate for Shark since the kids may push him over the edge soon-off season is not always fun! In his first week off he went to putt putt golf, chuck e cheese, the clearwater marine aquarium, and the ice experience at Gaylord Palms. Remind me of all this come Spring Training when we havent seen him for three weeks! This week we are working on shopping so log on the comments section and share your ideas and deals! Monkey working on closing fingers in kitchen drawers-Happy Monday!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Not even a joke that the Bear asked me if I am thankful for Diet Coke? In keeping with my "honesty is the best" policy, I said of course! This week has been a challenge. Lots of losses, lives cut way too short. BUT, baby Donahue has got to be ready to come out any minute...and the tides shall turn! I was down at the Harborview center this evening-again locals-please hit festival of trees-it benefits UPARC and your kids will love it, and the sunset was beyond gorgeous! Zoogiving will officially begin in the morning when we head to Winter Park to see those creatures and then have dinner with the Great Grandfather. I will be up all night long if I were to list the things/people I am thankful for...but in short-Special thanks to the Shark for picking me up after I passed out and taking me to the ER (special thanks to the ER, I now crave IV fluids). Don't panic, Mama got a little exhausted and fainted...and no I am not pregnant. To Bear and Monkey there are no words...I am in awe of the blessings you are to Daddy and me. To my family and extended family thank you for the courage everyone has shown since August-The Queen Bee is proud. For the Owl, who teaches the creatures lessons I would never even think are the best! And to my friends...I am beyond thankful for your listening skills and hopefully reading skills...things are starting to "fly right" as one of you says, and I am learning to enjoy the ride. (Presently going nuts that I can;t do new paragraph, Dianne-HELP!). Count your blessings-and call/txt me..we will be on the I4 safari!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Night at the Zoo

All the creatures are quiet. Bear and Monkey in their rooms, Shark on the couch-won't you all have fun figuring out their names? During this weird "economic" time-we made a family outing to Hooters for lunch joined by the Tampa Zoo crew. If you think the economy is weird try watching your 3yr old walk up to a poster of some Hooters girls and STARE! Havent decided if I am going to post photos here. Shark's Household Security is skeptical-imagine that! But really the kid was glued to the poster and the majority of the restaurants patrons were dying laughing. Ok don't know how to make a new paragraph here- In other local news please visit the Festival of Trees where you can see my tree decorating at work! Happy Turkey Week!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Zoo is Open

There is no such thing as a perfect time. And when you overorganize, overplan and overshare..there may never be time. So I have stolen a few minutes here to set this up and promise to try to keep you all entertained!