Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Bandanas. My Dad always has one in his back pocket. We have tied them on our heads, cleaned up spills, wiped rust from motors, opened jars, obviously dried sweat and tears. Most recently Pops had one handy when Bear took a baseball in the mouth at Little League. It was even perfectly red, so Bear didn't see the blood. I'm sure at this very moment he has one tucked in his back pocket, love it. Have a great trip Dad, see you on the rock!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

This is embarassing....

Really it is...I wish I could tell you where I have been but it's too long and most of it, I have tried to forget. Not that it was all that bad but we are talkin 4 funerals and 1 wedding....ish. Is there a great title about ear infections? Or randomly foul body functions??? okay, okay. So I'm starting new.
January 1st was so rough I vowed to start over January 10th, kinda got worse so now I'm gonna cough all this up-literally-and Feb 1st....I'm starting over.
So...on January 2nd, we lost BIG. THE Captain, my grandfather, Sam Lawrence met his peace. After years of declining health he passed away surrounded by love. It was strangely one of the coolest things I have ever done. I wasn't great at sitting still in his room, but I was pretty good at running around the house, laughing, crying, striking up conversation, making calls. Our cousins gathered and we bid farewell. Rest in Peace Grandpa Sam, you were simply larger than life.
So I pulled myself together, scooped up the creatures for a fun weekend with Mama Plover and her flock. Little did I know how much fun it would be. Ok, well I think Universal Studios sucks for small children but Disney with a private tour guide...pretty much the best trip ever!
On to Atlanta, with Taxi, Heather and Jill Alfond. My stomach hurts just thinking of how hard we laughed. Maybe not that hard when Taxi lost her wallet, but really hard when we finally got back to Tampa and my car was dead. Call us crazy, we were.
Sadly another loss. Dr. William Hale, the leader of the pack, the head honcho of all things good with the UPARC foundation. I am truly blessed to be trying to walk in his footsteps. Such a beautiful path of love for those who need us. Hang on UPARC, so much good to come!
OKeeeee. quick trip to Ft.Lauderdale/ Miami...mostly spent racing in and out of Mackenzie-child's as much as we could, and also got some amazing plants at the plant show.
Jonny B's wedding. love baseball. love macho scouts. love watching them freeze and cry as the bride came down the aisle. All good. Great COUNTY music, good friends, and a happy couple. Yay for happiness!
short lived. After a quick and drunken (for some) birthday given by the blue heron for her hubby, Shark got the poop flu from hell. 36 hours of nothing but complaining from him and paranoia from me. Yuck. Germy gross zoo and an angry zookeeper.
Fast forward...let Mama pull off one more fundraiser. With my amazing partner, Wendy, we kicked it into gear and our committee and made almost $20,000 for Bella Luna, supporting Monkey's preschool. My old school. downside. I have the plaque, I'm like the ad for Nyquil...coughing, sneezing, runny, get the picture.

So I haven't updated my blog, answered your text, email, voicemail, facebook message, invitation, tweet, etc...but I swear i haven't been sitting on my hiney watching tv at the zoo.

Stay tuned. Need your advice. Will ask you tomorrow!