Friday, January 16, 2009

My First Friday Expert!

get ready...this is good stuff! I met with Mary D, a wife and mother of 4 GIRLS (and 2 dogs!), after hearing that she has a calendar system to beat the band.She is a self proclaimed chronic listmaker (takes one to know one-we LOVE each other.) So here it is friends..very simple to do and some great-and IMPORTANT ideas.
Grab a monthly calendar at Office Depot- perhaps one with the place on the right to jot notes.I am going to give you a list.1. Write down all birthdays and anniversaries, and a little note a week before to send a card.
2. Go through the warranties for all your cars, boats, appliances, COMPUTERS, etc. (these should be in folders somewhere in your home)Write down when the warranty expires and then a note 2 weeks before to take it in even if it works and get all checked out!
3.SAFETY-write down a day each month to check the batteries in your smoke detectors. No one ever thinks their house is going to burn down but everyday some one's does. ALSO you should have a fire extinguisher at each end of your house on each floor. Here is where you use the notes on the side. Put "Fire extinguisher expires Nov 2014." But you are going to put that in the notes on the side of November 2009 and then move it each year so you keep track!
4.MEDICAL-do the same as above with Mammogram, Dermatology, Dental appointments. Also a great way to track flu and tetanus shots.
5.MAINTENANCE- when were the gutters cleaned, trees trimmed, fan blades wiped? great way to make sure you don't have to do it all the night before house guests arrive.
6.SERVICES-this one really got me because I paid Stanley Steamer for a year of 4 cleanings and have only had them come out once. Keep track of pest control, and other subscription type things that often run out without being used! Also great for gift certificates and store credits so they don't expire.
7. DETAILS, DETAILS-write down when your drivers license and passport expire and move it every year on the list...the zookeeper may or may not be operating with an expired license if Mary D hadn't given that little reminder!

Other wonderful ideas!
Get up early-GROAN-but worth it, in order to read paper, dry hair, and check your calendar before the creatures stir.

Begin Christmas shopping right after Christmas. Mary D loves to choose the same gift for her group of girlfriends. She orders up 1, checks it out and if it works she orders the rest! I LOVE that idea!

Get rugs, floors, and windows cleaned the first two weeks of November...mark on your calendar first week of October to call for appointments! Then you will enjoy it all for the Holidays!

Have a firebox, or a couple, where you keep copies of all important documents. This is always a tough one but a great help to loved ones in an emergency. List lawyers, doctors, bank info, safe combinations. Do not put this in a safe deposit box. The bank will most likely be closed when this information is needed. A step by step list of your wishes is a really nice thing for those left behind. (ZOOKEEPER HATES MORBID, but this is good info).

Thank you Mary D. I am really looking forward to my new Driver's License, utilizing my warranties, and getting Stanley Steamer back to the Zoo!

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