Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Now that title has some good lookin grammar. Yes it's true. Yesterday I marched right into the DMV and change my name so that I finally have the same last name as Shark and the creatures. It feels pretty good, although I trip all over what my name is when I call people. It will probably take me 5 more years to get it right on all my document!
AND,sad but true..we are closing the shop. brown eyed girls has been a blast, but all good things must come to an end. I have loved all the new friends I have made and will miss our wonderful customers the most. Never fear though-Zookeeper will be thinking of what to do next!

1 comment:

Dianne Young Erwin said...

lets start a moms work out group that meets in the mornings together! I am getting certified in group fitness and would love to get some feed back. I know you know a lot of moms in the area. We could meet at a park 3 mornings a week! :) Sorry to hear about the store. Have you sold out of everything? xo miss you.