Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here I am...

I started writing this blog because I had been reading and REALLY wanted a blog of my own...and guess what...she has been slacking too! I keep checking in on her and she is not there...I am addicted to her writing and therefore need some updates. That being said I don't think I have any addicts but just in goes.

I don't really love top ten lists, and I loathe the year in review (well you could just read this blog backwards), so here is what the zookeeper has in mind for the next year. Health and Happiness for all, World Peace, ok. ok. Now for the small scale things that I actually do have control over.
1. Run a 5k so I can round out being the girl I love to hate (short hair, minivan, always in exercise clothes as if a professional athlete like Shark)
2. Read 6 books.
3. Needlepoint Bear's stocking.
4. Serve 1 meal at a soup kitchen.
5. Spend a whole day with my Dad.( I may not actually have control over that).
6. Write the business plan (as soon as I understand what one is) for Mrs. Schaffer and Sons.
7. Take a weekend trip with Shark and the creatures somewhere we have never been.
8. More time listening, less time talking.
9. Buy a new house (so not really happening)
10. Take an accounting class and a safe boating course.
11. Be more patient with my children.
12. Be more patient with my husband.
13. Continue to make sure no one finds out how impatient I really am.

What a weird list. How about maintain my blog???? HOW COULD I FORGET THAT?


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Snapshots from the Zoo

I swear I am trying to slow down, bear with me people, this is tough for me. The more plates I spin the less I have to worry about what is on them, right?
Last night it was COLD (relatively speaking for Florida) and pouring (typical).I was hopping through puddles leaving the grocery, balancing bags and my iPhone (I know, I know)and then all of the sudden it occured to me. This could be ANY night before Thanksgiving of my life. I am walking out of the grocery I have gone to my whole life, driving down the street I practiced for my driving test on, passing the Haydons and the Parkers house....on my way home. Unlike my childhood house, I turn a few blocks early and into my grown up house driveway. I come in the house and their are my two most precious gifts sitting at the dinner table with my Saving Grace (The Owl) watching over. And Shark walks out around the corner, ready for our date. A little choas insued which we must ignore because this was almost going to be romantic-nonetheless we headed out to dinner sans creatures. I saw half a dozen people (most of whom I babysat) that I really like, in our first 30 minutes out. We wrapped up the evening (ahem, midnight is not evening) with a really great group of new and old friends. Really great! I fell asleep going through the snapshots in my mind of what a blessed day I had. And that was the day BEFORE Thanksgiving.
Today has been AMAZING so far. Shark took the creatures to the park and I watched Tivo...what? Dont I have a big event tomorrow night, nevermind getting the creatures spiffed up for dinner tonight????but nevermind. Snapshot. I am in my pjs STILL. And I am cooking some onions and celery because our house smelled BORING! And I am so eager to see my dear family friends who have invited us over for dinner. Again I am so blessed.
A few shout outs from the Zoo. To my inlaws, yes I was crying when I hung up the phone...Shark doesnt get it...I am half torn between wishing you were here and trying to imagine what it will feel like when one of my boys lives across the country from me. Hope the girl is nice, right? To my parents, thank God for iPhones right? See you tomorrow, am so grateful that you are my parents and the older I get the more thankful I am (not that we can erase those occasions where I may have acted otherwise), to my sisters-can't beleive we are old enough to be apart on Thanksgiving. To my grandparents on earth and in heaven, thank you for a family history rich in tradition-it makes these days even more special.To my readers, thank you for the opportunity to entertain you...make you wonder...and hopefully laugh.
Snapshot. Am going to kick back into high gear and get some stuff done!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I am so thankful for Technology...

...that makes it so Bear's lunch is ordered through January, replacement advent candles are coming through, Nick at AT&T figured out my account so I am now an iPhone addict, thousands prayed for Stellan, my parents called from AFRICA, my garage door opener could be replaced. Not to mention my two quick flights that made it possible to be in Washington, DC and home again with seemingly zero problems...and FINALLY, the technology that will post this to my Facebook account and make it so Giraffe Daddy has to update his status!
And most of all that the little counter on the side of my blog can really count, and I finally broke 1000!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ground Control to Zookeeper

Hello! Hello! Yup I am here, I think. All the cliches are true again. Everyone said when I closed the shop I would wonder how I ever did it all...I am stunned. But then again I did do less outside the shop, because I was actually at work. I have exciting news in the business department but that will wait a few days. I have so much else to say.
1. Dad nailed it. He and his dance partner were amazing. They won the online vote, the People's Choice award, best male dancer, and best "team". We were completely beside ourselves. I am going to plagiarize and paste a paragraph from Dad's thank you note that he sent supporters. Read closely. There is a message. "I must tell you that Saturday night was one of those experiences that will never, ever fade into oblivion. After all 25 forty-minute training sessions, our routine was really a stand out. The whole evening was great fun and everyone there seemed to enjoy themselves. It certainly was one of those challenges that takes you out of your comfort zone. To win made the whole effort even more rewarding. If you ever accept a challenge like this: choose your partner wisely, choose a good cause (if it is a charity), line up loyal supporters, and GO FOR IT!"

2. I am spreading myself a little thin in the volunteer department, but it seems worth it. I hung up a list of all the charities I am involved with and then panicked a bit. Right now this is a full time job. I will however share my moment today. You loyal readers will remember the Kelly Corrigan event. Well that is what we do in the Spring. In the Fall, Planters awards scholarships to LPNs who are in school to become RNs. The scholarships are named after my late maternal grandmother, Lois Odence. We have a nice luncheon, usually over 100 people attend, and we present the scholarships. That is coming up November 10th. Following is the email I sent to my fellow committee members tonight. "Tonight I had the moment, the one where all the emails over fudge sauce, all our meetings, all our flower arranging, all our application reviews, all of these things come together...and BOOM! I am standing at the Country Club with Trevor (after the golf tournament) and Trisha waves me over to this woman who is sobbing. She has just been told that she is a recipient of a Lois Odence Nursing Scholarship. And we just stand there hugging and crying. Never have I been so sure that what we do together matters. Her boyfriend just told her not to worry that she didn't get the money-they'd make it work. We changed her life tonight. And in turn she will be an amazing nurse and she will change other peoples lives.I know that there is one VERY proud Angel watching over us...let's keep up the good work!"

3. Message from the Zoo tonight. Go make a difference in someone else's life. You will be surprised at what a difference it will make in your own life.
Kisses from the ZOO

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Commercial Break

Taking a quick second for gratitude. To those of you readers, and those who don't, Grey Goose (aka T.L. duPont, Tom Terrific, Dear, Dad, Uncle Tommy, and his own fave-Pops) appears to have won the online voting for Dancing with the Stars Tampa Bay. I am in awe of so many good things today-but am going to give the prize to my Dad. Another A+ example of how to put yourself out there and make a difference in the world. See you on the dance floor tonight. We will be in the PROUD section.

The other award today goes to BEAR! Today is sandwiched between Monkey's friend birthday party yesterday and Monkey's family party tomorrow-who decided it was ok to have two parties per child- I LOVE YOU! Anyway, today was Bear's first soccer game and he made the Zookeeper (and the sick Shark-damn!) VERY PROUD!!! You good little jock Bear! Thank you for proving you got SOME of Daddy's genes.

Full report tomorrow on Grey Goose's performance AND Monkey Parrty, Part II!
whew! from the Zoo

Monday, September 21, 2009

Swine Flu Zoo

At least we think so. Bear, Monkey and The Zookeeper have been down for the count. Fevers and coughs-yuck. They dont test and they dont give kids Tamiflu, but we have had all the signs. LUCKILY, Shark got Tamiflu in time because there is nothing worse then a sick Daddy.
Speaking of Daddies, if you know me, you know how much I adore the Grey Goose himself!He braved the infirmary to deliver chicken and dumplings AND toys from Cracker Barrel. Just a small and silly example of his kindness and generosity. So please go to and spend $10 to vote. And next time you need me to support your fave charity,I will do my best!
Coughs and Sneezes from the Zookeeper!

Friday, September 4, 2009

No Vacancy at the ZOO

For the love of the game???blah, blah, blah. Or the love of the Scouts? Shark and Giraffe Daddy are at a concert tonight...poor guys never get to do anything fun-ha! (That was for all of you who think they just get paid to watch games, and like that would be fun all year long!) Anyhoo, (Shark really hates that!) all creatures are having slumber party tonight. Big kids in sleeping bags in Bear's room, Monkey in pac n play in mine. All I can say is this is a GREAT start to a holiday weekend...everyone ASLEEP!
Since Giraffe Daddy reads this just wanted to say I will try to keep the AWESOME FOURSOME quiet in the morning...hope you guys had fun!
Happy Labor Day to everyone in New England, down South we don't care since we "can" wear white year round!
kisses from the Zookeeper

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Butterfly

Ten years ago today I was on a cross country flight from Monterey, California to Laguardia. After an 11 day vigil, my 14 year old cousin Emily, earned her butterfly wings. If you are one of my dedicated readers you know how special Fishers Island is to me. We had just been there for our eldest cousin's wedding and for our month long July stay. Shark was pitching in Knoxville, I was working at Sotheby's in Manhattan, life was easy! Emily's horseback riding accident changed my life FOREVER. In ways that are so obvious and in deep dark ways that are unforgettable.
The days we spent together that August seem like just yesterday and then seem so long ago at the same time...eerie. There is strength in numbers though and the Grey Gulls girls bonded together and paid tribute. You have to remember that ten years ago the internet was boosting web-rings as a major form of communication. Kate the Great got online and emailed a woman about getting some butterflies to release at the cemetary. While we were out running errands the woman called Kate's cell to confirm. For some unknown reason Kate asked this kind soul where she was calling from. The woman promptly answered, "Springfield, Mass." Emily died at a hospital in Springfield, Mass, she was taken there by helicopter. We didn't know ANYONE there. This was the first of many amazing signs that Emily was still with us. And I know today she still is.
My heart breaks when I think of all the things we havent shared. I always planned on Emily being a bridesmaid at our wedding, a godmother to our sons, a constant in my life. And I will tell you that she is a constant in my life. The memories, the hopes, and the dreams are all still here. She is just there. In every butterfly that passes she is there.
I missed you extra today. I ran through all the movies of you in my mind today. I wept as I looked at my boys today, imaging your parents agony, and I called my sisters today, wishing your brothers had you to call. Mom texted me a photo of a butterfly at Fishers this morning, I know it was you. And Dad sent me a text and mistyped using WTF instead of ETD, and I know that was you too. Have fun tonight with Gram, we miss you both too much. See you in my dreams.
With love, The Zookeeper

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Hours at the Zoo

I have said more then once over the past few days that I think all (ok maybe most) parenting cliches are true. Mostly "They grow up so fast". Bear going to a new school has just about done me in-lotsa cahnge. However, it is all for the good of the group! Bear absolutely LOVES it! He heads off with his backpack and his carpool buddies and never looks back. Gulp-enter the zookeeper crying-AGAIN!
In the meantime Monkey has been up to his usual tricks. He is talking so much more and has a lot to say about his big brother not being home "Where T.D. go? Where T.D. go?" And next week he will be back at schools as well.
So we are up early to get to school and time, and going to bed earlier...this grown up stuff is exhahusting!
kisses from the zoo

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to School Zoo

Shark and I headed back to my alma mater tonight in a new role, new parents! Say it isn't so, but it so is....Bear is headed to Pre-K! So surreal to be calling my old teachers by their first names...and trying to prepare them for the arrival of our somewhat sensitive, very imaginative and eager to please...Teddy. I started at the same school when I was only a year older. Now for the most part our creatures tend to look like Shark, but Bear's behavior will put the faculty back 30 years. Mini-me offically goes to Pre-K in a week, I am not sure who is more excited!
Catch you up on the road trip details tomorrow!
Sweet dreams from the Zookeeper

Saturday, August 8, 2009

score: love, love

Love tennis. Yup, I do. I have achieved nearly every thirtysomething mom stereotype... Shortish hair, not so great jeans, and I seriously listen to Kidz Bop when the creatures aren't even in the car, and Bear officially signs up for soccer next week, so there you have it!
As for my Summer Tennis Career...The Big Club Zoo pros are of the charming and talented variety. Hailing from their native countries of Sweden,Scotland, and Vermont (yup almost a country of its own). AND they come equipped with their own beautiful zookeeper/organizer/wardrobe consultant who makes it all happen!
These guys challenged the ladies clinic and we challenged them back. (Ladies being a loose term in some scenarios, but not to worry, the zookeeper is first and foremost a lady!) We made it through a "summer season" relatively unscathed and we all learned a lot. Us about tennis, and them about family trees, island history, English slang, and getting the most out of the all white dress code. Their words will be with me as I consider the next move in my tennis career (you are supposed to be laughing) " In this scenario when the players come to the net (Swedish for in case you make it to Wimbledon with out me remember this explanation)...ok.ok.ok. (Vermontian for Please try to stop gossiping and finish this drill) and Nice Try (Scottish for that was the best shot all summer!)
In all seriousness many old friendships were rekindled, many new ones were made and lots of people now know the true defintion of cousins....
We will miss you all til next year!
I'll be practicing!
The zookeeper
Disclaimer: The Grammar in this is so bad...sorry, must go get a diet coke and wake up!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Piping Plovers

I vaguely remember these little birds from my college summers on Nantucket,
but what I do remember is many days and nights partying, shopping, swimming, dancing, etc. With my friend "mama plover". We have been the best of friends ever since! Mama Plover has the dearest mate, and three amazing hatchlings. And Mama Plover has breast cancer. So please join my zoo in supporting her flock! Just positive thoughts towards New Hampshire! And stay posted for good news!
Silver lining...if there is such a thing in this situation... Zookeeper and Mama Plover are closer then ever to actually getting matching tattoos!
With love and hope,
the zookeeperP

Friday, July 24, 2009

Grey Gulls Zoo

For those of you who are reading this with no knowledge of Fishers Island, we are in Long Island Sound, off the coast of Connecticut and actually part of New York State. That is just the beginning of the confusion. We live on our family property, currently holding over 20 residents "on campus". This year is a trial run. Since the 1950s my paternal grandparents have made this our summer home from Memorial Day to Labor Day. While we have gained 14 great grandchildren-with #15 on its way in Sept-last summer we lost the Matriach, the Queen Bee, the most adoring and elegant Gram! So we have been here for over 3 weeks. And we have had an AMAZING summer. The creatures are indulging in all the activities I did as a child. Tennis, swimming, body surfing, boat rides, ice cream, naps, tag, red rover, beach picnics, rainy day puzzles, sleepovers. They are having the time of there lives! And so am I.
It seems that some days I have to pinch I the grown up or the child? Who are all these creatures and why are they calling me Momo??? We occasionally have to grab each other and let the tears flow as something triggers a memory, a rose, a kleenex, a flower vase.The mere sight of the next generation racing across the lawn is enough to make even a stranger shed a tear. lucky us.
Tomorrow night we will attempt what Gram did best. Host a party. Little Michael to us, and now "Mike" to his bride, Meg, will be the guests of honor. THEY ARE ENGAGED! We are so grateful for the sunshine that Meg brings us, and the opportunity for us to celebrate!!
with gratitude,
the zookeeper

Monday, July 13, 2009

Shark Tale

There is so much I need to say about Fishers, that I am going to wait until tomorrow. So tonight, here's a fun memory. 11 years ago today, Shark asked me out on a date. In minor league baseball team terms this means calling a girl at 11:30pm and asking her if she wants to meet the guys out. At Stormin's. I remember thinking that I should say my parents would never allow that, but instead I may or may not have worn overalls (yikes) and headed out to meet the guys. The rest is history.
kisses from the Zookeeper

Thursday, July 2, 2009

fishers island zoo

Grey gulls, grey goose, grey hair....made it. Love it. Mean it. No more. Blog updates from itouch. Zookeeper drove too much. Details from my soon to be charged laptop. Going techno here on the rock.
Kisses from the road warriors!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chapin, South Carolina Zoo

The Owl and I packed up the creatures and headed north! the guys were amazing! We stopped 4 times amd made it in great time! Bear asked after we had been in the car "When are we getting to the airport?" what?????? We are on a road trip! Ahhhhh! We were so lucky to stay at the Barnwells, go for a boat ride, delicious dinner, and a swim in a lake! Plus we got to love little bit, see purple martins and a for real hummingbird! Plus a mommy duck and ducklings! Thank you for the hospitality Barnwells!
kisses from a happy zookeeper!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Caterpillar or Butterfly

In honor of my dear friend, my pet project, my errand runner, my go to cake maker, my late night buddy-I am trying to give out a name. Beleive it or not, my friends want zoo names. I try to tell them that it just happens and I can't control when it will. Tonight is one of those nights were it just did. I have watched this girl go through a literal hell. Battling addiction is HELL on earth. But with grace, style, perseverence and determination my wounded little catepillar has come out of her cocoon and is now a beautiful butterfly. Congratulations on your three years of sobriety, keep up the good fight, and know the creatures love you a million billion.
And to everyone else out there who is letting life pass you by, help a friend who really needs it at least once in your lifetime. It will come back to you in spades.
kisses from a PROUD Zookeeper

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day Shark!

I swear I don't know how I get so far behind, but summer is really fun! Shark is back in town and we are enjoying lots of beach days!!! The creatures are wearing themselves out in sun and surf, and life is good!
The Menlo Park Zoo arrives tomorrow eve and we will have a complete Father's Day with all Dads present!
Happy Father's Day especially to Giraffe Daddy, it is so awesome that Shark's best friend reads this! THANK YOU!
and to all you other Dads.....have a GREAT DAY!!!
PS. I am going to try to not tell Shark what to do tomorrow (for about 15 minutes). Isn't that a nice gift?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mommy Camp

My calendar says real camp starts's been real and it's been fun, but I am not sure it has been really fun. Shark is back out in his native Pacific waters and do to the time change and his schedule, we are only texting. Hope I dont buy a new house or cut my hair any shorter while he is gone. kidding, sorta. I think it is safe to say that he is too busy to read my blog...
Shout out to the Tampa Zoo! Happy Birthday to the King of the Creatures, our number one of the next generation, and all around great kid! And to the Turtle and her husband Happy make it all look easy-we are impressed!
One more announcement to Mr and Mrs William Henry (aka one of my 4 followers..GREAT was gorgeous and so are you! Make Valdora follow me too...I love her!
kisses from the zoo

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Creature Feature

Two things, too "cute" to not share.
1. Bear was lounging in my bedroom while I was getting ready to go out with him last night. I was wearing new shortish summer shorts that side zip. Zookeeper is not a huge fan of the side zip. For one, if the Zookeeper is "busty" it may or may not be difficult to see the side zipper, and two, if the Zookeeper has some leftover FAT from birthing these guys, it might get caught in the zipper. Enter Bear. He zipped those bad boys right up, no problemo. And when I thanked him he said "It was nothing." CUTER!
2. Speaking of CUTER, Monkey is like a cat that thinks he is a dog, a baby that thinks he is a big kid...he screams BAAAAYYYYYBEEEEE at kids older then he-ok you get the point. But tonight after being hysterical for swimming lesson, trying to body surf, and going to a function at church-he was a precious little baby. He let me hold him in the rocking chair and drank a bottle. It was so delicious for both of us that you must overlook the chocolate and the bottle itself. Zookeeper doesn't stick to the rules too much!
kisses from the zoo!

Mommy Camp Week 1

So far so good, I think! Tuesday we started Monkey's swimming lessons...OMG, he does not like it at all. Difficult and stubborn, and cute and sad...he has fought Miss Kathy all week! On Wednesday we took Owl with us and went to the real ZOO! We had an amazing time, even went on the log ride and a roller coaster!Bear is now sure he must have his birthday party at the zoo. (His birthday is in Feb!!!Wonder where he gets the need to plan early!) On Thursday, Monkey had playgroup here which was a bunch of tod-a-lers (Bear's term) running around in diapers and the hose-eeekkk, water ban is ALMOST lifted! And Friday Funday we headed to the pool twice, ate sherbert, cotton candy, and corndogs...body surfed in our clothes (Bear), went to bed late and still got up before 7:00am!
Shark circling the Sebring tournament before he goes WEST for the draft...we will catch up with him in a couple weeks...and by then Mommy Camp will be closed!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Noah's Ark Exhibit

Will be right here in my backyard if the rain keeps up. Mercy-not to complain because "we need it"-worlds most annoying comment besides people saying "but it is so refreshing"-after jumping in frozen pool! Anywhooo...cabin fever got the best of us! Monkey got his body temp right up to 104 today! Fun! Virus. I struggled with him all morning fussy and moaning, and waiting at the doctor. And then the Wise Owl arrived and he promptly fell asleep on her lap. I was jealous of the coziness, but also know she must have been HOT! After a very sweaty nap the creature is on the mend!
Bear has his last day of school tomorrow. He will be leaving the church preschool and moving over to be a big kid. The zookeeper will no doubt be in a large puddle at school tomorrow. Luckily Monkey will be going there 5 minutes after he turns 2 in September!
The weekend is looking like one big rain delay for Shark and therefore the zoo's schedule is on hold....
We send our hugs and Godspeed to Grouper, our friend Mallory's precious dog who was truly a woman's best friend. Rest in peace buddy, you were the BEST!

Friday, May 15, 2009

High School ZOOsical!

One really good thing about not writing on my blog is that some of you have complained that I havent written, and now at least I know you read it! So I will work a little backwards. The chi-O reunion was AMAZING! It was as if we never skipped a beat. We walked through campus and one of the campus safety officers recognized me...I look so young-ha! But the he asked me when the baby was due? A+ for looking young, big F for looking fat. I digress. We also had a moment where we were dewcideing between getting me a tattoo and/or an iPhone, I wimped out and am sans tattoo and still a blackberry girl.
Kelly Corrigan was utterly amazing. We were able to give a $5000 donation to the mammography voucher program and raise enough money to give the nurses their scholarships in the Fall! I am super super pleased with the progress of Planters, and I know my grandmother is watching over us and super proud!
Finally my high school reunion. I went to a very small school. Like ended up having one other person in my class kinda small. They dont have a high school anymore, but Bear will be in Pre-K there next year. So when we decided to have a reunion my parents graciously offered their home! So we hung out on the back porch and pretty much acted like we were in high school. Late late that night or early the next morning, I came home and checked on the creatures via the monitors, and I seriously know I am old. Because I dont know where the time went. Really I don't. Time is flying at the zoo. Hold for my update from Mother's Day, and what I have been up to as a volunteer!
Kisses from the zoo!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'mmmm baaccckkkk!

Where did I go? No idea. Just had to check in here to see where I left off. So I spent last week making medical plans for the creatures. I missed a weekend trip to DC to witness my godson be baptized, and a trip this week to Delaware with Fluffy Bunny. BUMMER! However, my position as the zookeeper is secure. Bear has an umbilical hernia that will not require surgery, at least for now and Monkey is the proud owner of ear tubes and a tongue that is no longer tied. Yes-much ado about nothing-Shark and I have been wringing our hands for over a year and this morning Monkey went under for just a few minutes and got cleaned up! He was a bit (I am being kind) fussy on the ride home, but after a few hours of torturing the owl, he seems himself!
If the next 24 hours go smoothly, I am going to head to Winter Park to catch up with my Chi-O girls for the weekend. Pure shopping, eating and sleeping bliss. And if the next 24 hours are not smooth check this blog because Shark will be posting a job for a new Zookeeper!
Other news we are on a countdown to Kelly Corrigan speaking at the Planters Spring Luncheon. Check out her amazing story
kisses from the worn out Zookeeper

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Zookeeper 101

Ok-I didn't get lost at the Omelette party-although I could have. I am lost in myself, I am having an identity crisis. Am I really a zookeeper- I think I am. No really I know I am. I must admit I was blissfully unaware of how busy the shop kept me-at least in my mind. And having a place to G-O GO! I am loving being with the creatures al though they have been sick-what else is new? And I had a huge laugh with the Grey Goose-hey! my parents were all about me staying home with the kids. Jokes on Zookeeper...Monkey insists on going to school as much as possible with Bear! So here I sit-guess I could blog more-right? Truth be told I am busy with bunches of stuff I will share this week. Hope you all had a great Easter, tell ya bout ours tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Zookeeper Omelettes

Ok not really. So here is the deal. Shark and I, Shark and me..whatever- We are on the UPARC Omelette Committee. The party itself is over 40 years old and we are carrying on the tradition of the fabulous founding families. Their idea was to raise money for the UPARC foundation-Upper Pinellas Association for Retarded Citizens.So back then they flew Rudy Stanish-the Omelette King-down here from NYC to make omelettes. Today the party is a black tie event for nearly 400 people-if my friends would RSVP please-and some really amazing sponsors. Three incredible Florida artists will sell their work as well as amazing diamond jewels from Zookeepers old job in NYC. The party is being held on the Belleview Island which is basically a slice of heaven as it is...sooo whats my deal....just laying low as the co-chair-NOT! Janice my awesome buddy (partner has too many implications) and I are co-chairing and our darling committee are about to kick off a week of major work! Wish me luck...and I promise pictures. And if you are coming or sending money leave me a comment!
kisses from the zoo!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Zookeeper Flu Keeper

Ok-now I get it..that's what the flu shot is trying to prevent...good idea. I have been stuck in my bed, plastered to the mattress is pain and coughing, sneezing, etc. After several showers with Moulton Brown Eucalyptus shower gel, I am free and clear of that hint of death. Feeling better. Now some very dear ladies are scrubbing, vacuuming, etc. Semi-annual Zoo muck out!I told them I would give an extra prize for whoever finds the most binkies under furniture!
Still feeling irresponsible..even Monkey is at school today so I am playing catch up at my desk...on to the post office and the grocery...then back to rest at the clean zoo!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bittersweet Zoo

Having just returned from Playhouse Disney at Ruth Eckerd Hall, I feel a little like Eeyore. It was fun and the creatures LOVED it! sweet. Shop is all packed up and closed down. little bitter. Time to reinvent myself and I will give you a little preview...probably not going to see zookeeper be a stay at home mom. Tried it yesterday-exhausting-but maybe not as bad as a customer who couldn't understand the return policy at the shop. So watch soon as I figure out what to do, you'll be the first to know!
In the meantime I am going to go straighten up the zoo while the creatures take "a tiny rest". Bear tries to convince himself he just needs a "tiny" nap and then wakes up after 3 hours...delightful!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monkey See Monkey Do!

In case you haven't noticed, it's baseball season! The Shark is swimming south to look at players there, so the zookeeper is on her own. This morning in an amazing attempt to get everyone ready and out the door, I asked Bear to keep an eye on Monkey and I would hurry. I realize that sounds crazy since Bear is 4, but realistically I thought it was doable. I thought. After making myself presentable in record time I dashed back to the family room and scanned the area for Monkey. Bear was laying on the couch as only a male can do, and Monkey was perched on top of the breakfast room table. Sitting with legs wrapped around the fish bowl, and both hands attempting a death grip on the poor innocent fish. I am telling you, animal instinct. I only wish I had kept my cool long enough to snap a picture.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Zoo Names

WOW! People are reading my blog...strange but true. However, it's still hard for me to figure out who is really reading! My tech department is working on that!
Sooooo in regards to animal names...they are earned! Over the last girls weekend, Mother Hen was awarded and she was very deserving! What would your animal name be?
Which leads me to the next question...if I were to start a new business, anyone up for suggesting names?I know that means you have to register in order to comment but it just takes a second. Just one tiny second away from facebook and I will know more of what you are thinking!
Happy Friday from the ZOO

Monday, March 2, 2009

Allergy Season at the Zoo

Shark and Bear are allergic to something and thus zookeeper is a nurse. Currently after midnight EST and I am letting the little guy watch cartoons...if you can't stop coughing because you are crying, and if you can't stop crying and coughing to take your inhaler TV?!?! I digress. I will stick to blogging, don't think a parenting book is in my future.
I have so much to say but can think of nothing-uh oh...must need bed. And Phineas and Ferb is ending so must fight to get the animals back in their cages.(joking of course, although not a terrible idea.)
sneezes from the zoo

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Plenty to ROAR about

Mostly because I haven't written in so long, I have lots to say. I have been SWAMPED! The events formerly known as Birthday Hell Week will now be acknowleded as Birthday Heaven Week. In 8 days we have 5 family birthdays! Fluffy Bunny is the 2/17, then the Tampa Zoo has on one 2/19, the Zookeeper on 2/20, the Queen Bee (dear Gram in Heaven) on 2/21, and the Bear will be 4 on 2/25. We had to switch to calling it Heaven week because Gram is in heaven, and because it wouldn't be that cute if all the creatures were saying hell that much. We had a kickass (can't say hell but can say ASS? zookeeper rules)weekend at the Sandpearl last weekend...cosuins from all sides, Uncle Michael and sweet Connie, and KAY-yes Gram's dear bestie came in her place and she did an awesome job. We greeted her with some MAJOR bittersweet tears, and she totally handled it with Gram-style grace. In the meantime I have been to nearly every restaurant in town with dear friends and celebrated in style. My Herend zoo is looking great courtesy of the Mom and sisters, and Big Dad stocked me up on Spring Nillas. The Shark and creatures gave me something GORGEOUS-you'll have to see it to beleive it...and the Menlo Park ZOO sent me a fave California mag subscription and THE BEST can opener. And yes I really needed a can opener because we dont have one!
Shout out to Mary D-the calendar lady-ummmmm saving Shark's fin by getting his car serviced before warranty is out-THX!
Also on a completly materialistic note do you know you can get a Louis Vuitton Speedy with your monogram on it??? Zookeeper will be hosting a little event at Saks Tampa so write me if you have to have one...(don't say a word about the economy-its just too boring.)
Thank you all creatures great and small who hauled out to Bounce U today for Bear's birthday party..that place is AWESOME!
Homework do you store/catalog videos of your children???

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Events at the Zoo

The zookeeper went out of town and left her worries-and her computer behind. Ahhhh-it was heaven. Thank God for 40th birthday parties AND minivacations. And for the Owl who continues to help Shark hold down the fort while I am gone.
So I am back and onto next project-The Omelette party. Will tell you more on Thursday.
Things are winding down at the shop-some great deals are left so stop by if you are in the area.
The creatures are WILD. Bear is possessed by his birthday which is still 2 weeks away-Lord, give me strength. And Monkey is chatting up a storm..he says Ball, Shoe, Night Night, flower, cracker and a ton of other stuff that we can't understand. Survey says he has at least 4 molars coming in so he is tough stuff.
A welcome to the world to Greta Malloy-we are so glad you are here safe and sound and we are totally into arranged marriages!
Anyone have ideas for Valentines Gift for Shark?
butterfly kisses from the zoo

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Now that title has some good lookin grammar. Yes it's true. Yesterday I marched right into the DMV and change my name so that I finally have the same last name as Shark and the creatures. It feels pretty good, although I trip all over what my name is when I call people. It will probably take me 5 more years to get it right on all my document!
AND,sad but true..we are closing the shop. brown eyed girls has been a blast, but all good things must come to an end. I have loved all the new friends I have made and will miss our wonderful customers the most. Never fear though-Zookeeper will be thinking of what to do next!

Monday, January 26, 2009

disaster expert

I was going to write all about this woman who is an expert at planning-ME! And I was going to be really objective and say that being an overplanner is not good because when something unexpected happens, panic ensues. So I WAS really happy with my hot tea made cold and in my Tervis, and my pjs and face cream on and I WAS going to get in bed with my laptop and write all about what a great planner I am. That WAS before Monkey woke up coughing and crying, climbed on my bed and closed my last-leg-laptop (that has to be coaxed into powering back up)...and all that WAS right before the little angel dumped my tea on my laptop...and Shark WAS right there. I of course was getting tylenol, nose spray, honey etc.
And that is why the best laid plans don't always work out.
Being that I am so solution oriented I went back out in the kitchen spent 20 minutes assembling my new desktop that I WAS going to wait a few days for...and just when I thought I WAS back in business, no modem. That's right my little pets, desktops apparantly don't come with wireless....I WAS going to cry again but then I heard the hum of my laptop and her she tell me-who could have planned all that?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

To move your spirit....

Look up John O'Leary right now. Shark and I went to the Annual Dinner for our hospital tonight. John O'Leary was the speaker and it was BEYOND inspirational. He was burned on 100% of his body as a 9 year old boy. Not a DRY eye...his talk includes baseball, and he gets a HUGE laugh out of the crowd by showing a photo of his sons in smocked outfits. WE LOVED HIM!!

Please comment...wondering if anyone is reading!

Friday, January 16, 2009

My First Friday Expert!

get ready...this is good stuff! I met with Mary D, a wife and mother of 4 GIRLS (and 2 dogs!), after hearing that she has a calendar system to beat the band.She is a self proclaimed chronic listmaker (takes one to know one-we LOVE each other.) So here it is friends..very simple to do and some great-and IMPORTANT ideas.
Grab a monthly calendar at Office Depot- perhaps one with the place on the right to jot notes.I am going to give you a list.1. Write down all birthdays and anniversaries, and a little note a week before to send a card.
2. Go through the warranties for all your cars, boats, appliances, COMPUTERS, etc. (these should be in folders somewhere in your home)Write down when the warranty expires and then a note 2 weeks before to take it in even if it works and get all checked out!
3.SAFETY-write down a day each month to check the batteries in your smoke detectors. No one ever thinks their house is going to burn down but everyday some one's does. ALSO you should have a fire extinguisher at each end of your house on each floor. Here is where you use the notes on the side. Put "Fire extinguisher expires Nov 2014." But you are going to put that in the notes on the side of November 2009 and then move it each year so you keep track!
4.MEDICAL-do the same as above with Mammogram, Dermatology, Dental appointments. Also a great way to track flu and tetanus shots.
5.MAINTENANCE- when were the gutters cleaned, trees trimmed, fan blades wiped? great way to make sure you don't have to do it all the night before house guests arrive.
6.SERVICES-this one really got me because I paid Stanley Steamer for a year of 4 cleanings and have only had them come out once. Keep track of pest control, and other subscription type things that often run out without being used! Also great for gift certificates and store credits so they don't expire.
7. DETAILS, DETAILS-write down when your drivers license and passport expire and move it every year on the list...the zookeeper may or may not be operating with an expired license if Mary D hadn't given that little reminder!

Other wonderful ideas!
Get up early-GROAN-but worth it, in order to read paper, dry hair, and check your calendar before the creatures stir.

Begin Christmas shopping right after Christmas. Mary D loves to choose the same gift for her group of girlfriends. She orders up 1, checks it out and if it works she orders the rest! I LOVE that idea!

Get rugs, floors, and windows cleaned the first two weeks of November...mark on your calendar first week of October to call for appointments! Then you will enjoy it all for the Holidays!

Have a firebox, or a couple, where you keep copies of all important documents. This is always a tough one but a great help to loved ones in an emergency. List lawyers, doctors, bank info, safe combinations. Do not put this in a safe deposit box. The bank will most likely be closed when this information is needed. A step by step list of your wishes is a really nice thing for those left behind. (ZOOKEEPER HATES MORBID, but this is good info).

Thank you Mary D. I am really looking forward to my new Driver's License, utilizing my warranties, and getting Stanley Steamer back to the Zoo!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Zoo Resolutions!

Is the 14th too late to post resolutions? oops..where did the time go? Where did the zookeeper go? I have been hiding in Americasmart in Atlanta-my fave place!!!! Found some great centerpieces for the Omlette party, and a rug for the living room...along with some other special goodies! Now I need to post the resolutions! One is to brush the creatures teeth everyday-I know that sounds absurd that it isn't automatic-but if you have suggestions send em! AND I will be posting once a week from an interview with someone I consider to be some kind of expert...isn't that hilarious? keeping my desk clean, emptying the dishwasher, blah, blah blah. Not even listing diet and excercise because that is too obvious and to me too boring.
And now that it is the day after I can tell you that Shark celebrated his birthday just his style. Quiet night with the creatures eating BBQ a big 35 on his cake, a nice chat with the Menlo Park Zoo on the telly and then he was PLUGGED in to his new iPod touch. Thanks Giraffes for the idea-he LOVES it. I am not sure if I was dreaming or if he was holding it in my face last night while I was sleeping. Happy unBirthday Shark!
stayed tuned for what you should be doing with your calendar!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Farewell Farmhouse

This entry has taken me a few days to want to write. Most of you know I wear my heart on my sleeve and am quick to make a comment/decision. We rang in an early New Year with the Kilbys (giraffes-tallest people I know), and the Morgans (labs-they have an awesome one and the best name I could think of for the best neighbors). Anyway in the morning I headed north while Shark has the Owl watching him and the boys. I arrived in Delaware to be with my family and go through the Farmhouse. Our beloved grandmother died in August and we needed to all be together again. It has taken a few days for me to decide what those days meant to me. To be with her possessions was bittersweet, it was like being with her but then more without her. What I left with was the sense that Gram left a legacy in every single aspect in my life. After recognizing this, I have written some thank you notes, remembered a few birthdays, organized my placemats, and served dinner on better china. Lookout we may using linen napkins at the ZOO. Another chapter of my life with Gram seems to be coming to a close and while my heart is broken, my head reminds me to be the gracious woman Gram was to all. Our family is making steps towards new traditions in new places and with the addition of Reynolds duPont IV "Rhett" (courtesy of Elizabeth and Reyn) we rest assured that life has a wonderful way of carrying on.
Stay tuned for New Year's resolutions!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


So here is the Christmas nitty gritty. Make no mistake NORTHERN CAlifornia is freezing! We bundled up and had a ball. Hasbro has nothing on the Star Wars collectibles that the Oak Drive Zoo boasts. A dear Schaffer family friend remarked, "For the Schaffers, Star Wars IS A RELIGION." Thanks Christopher, someone could have WARNED me! (too bad I learned that after Church, we could have skipped-just kidding). The whole trip was amazing. We ATE, and COOKED and talked about EATING and COOKING!!! Monkey showed off his amazing eating and walking skills, and the Bear was in constant Jedi Christmas mode-what a ball. I doubt my father in law reads my blog-so I am not just saying this because he will read-but he may be the easiest going, sweetest smiling, dearest man ever. I may or may not have asked him to watch the creatures or grab a cup or whatever at least a hundred times and HE DID IT. And my mother in law is an amazing hostess with everything we could ever want already on hand, highly organized to get us out to a Lego exhibit,, a children's museum, and some glorious parks(love THAT), with a heart of gold that stretches clear across the country! Last but not least THE LION! Yes my brother in law surely wants a ZOO name from me. The Lion was only agressive when provoked by a badass game (courtesy of me), otherwise the wise soul sat back and watched the Star Wars, took care of the young, and was great compnay to all. Thank you Oak Drive ZOO! We'll be back soon!