Friday, July 24, 2009

Grey Gulls Zoo

For those of you who are reading this with no knowledge of Fishers Island, we are in Long Island Sound, off the coast of Connecticut and actually part of New York State. That is just the beginning of the confusion. We live on our family property, currently holding over 20 residents "on campus". This year is a trial run. Since the 1950s my paternal grandparents have made this our summer home from Memorial Day to Labor Day. While we have gained 14 great grandchildren-with #15 on its way in Sept-last summer we lost the Matriach, the Queen Bee, the most adoring and elegant Gram! So we have been here for over 3 weeks. And we have had an AMAZING summer. The creatures are indulging in all the activities I did as a child. Tennis, swimming, body surfing, boat rides, ice cream, naps, tag, red rover, beach picnics, rainy day puzzles, sleepovers. They are having the time of there lives! And so am I.
It seems that some days I have to pinch I the grown up or the child? Who are all these creatures and why are they calling me Momo??? We occasionally have to grab each other and let the tears flow as something triggers a memory, a rose, a kleenex, a flower vase.The mere sight of the next generation racing across the lawn is enough to make even a stranger shed a tear. lucky us.
Tomorrow night we will attempt what Gram did best. Host a party. Little Michael to us, and now "Mike" to his bride, Meg, will be the guests of honor. THEY ARE ENGAGED! We are so grateful for the sunshine that Meg brings us, and the opportunity for us to celebrate!!
with gratitude,
the zookeeper

Monday, July 13, 2009

Shark Tale

There is so much I need to say about Fishers, that I am going to wait until tomorrow. So tonight, here's a fun memory. 11 years ago today, Shark asked me out on a date. In minor league baseball team terms this means calling a girl at 11:30pm and asking her if she wants to meet the guys out. At Stormin's. I remember thinking that I should say my parents would never allow that, but instead I may or may not have worn overalls (yikes) and headed out to meet the guys. The rest is history.
kisses from the Zookeeper

Thursday, July 2, 2009

fishers island zoo

Grey gulls, grey goose, grey hair....made it. Love it. Mean it. No more. Blog updates from itouch. Zookeeper drove too much. Details from my soon to be charged laptop. Going techno here on the rock.
Kisses from the road warriors!