Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Zoo

Going Old School. Have read "House Beautiful"for the first time in many years, wow! So many good ideas...cinnamon roast peaches, gorgeous tabletop, great framing idea which I desperately needed for some photos of the creatures, Juliska's new line of gift (perfect for some Nantucket brides and grooms), and a very interesting article on the color yellow...I think I may get a subscription. Also just finished making an icebox cake on my mother's "almost" hexagon platter, just like she always did (til I took the plate)! Recipe to follow.
Now get the boys rallied, head to some poolside activities, and come home to nap. I will then go shop the memorial day sales (enter a cringe from my mother, who was probably smiling about the icebox cake) and come home to fire up some burgers.
My thoughts and prayers are with those who are missing loved ones both on earth and in heaven, who are fighting and have fought for our country. Special thanks to all my grandfathers and Shark's grandfathers for their service. They set the bar high, many many years ago. And to my favorite Marine, hope you have a happy day Grandpa Sam!

Icebox Cake
whip 1 carton of heavy whipping cream -I add a dash of sugar and a squirt of vanilla
use 2 boxes of Nabisco Famous Chocolate wafers-sometimes they are in the bread aisle or near ice cream topping

Build a tower by alternating wafers and whipped cream-like a continuous oreo tower
Make two of these and lay them side by side on the platter.
Use remaining whipped cream to "frost" the rest of the cake.

Place in the refrigerator, preferably overnight.
Do not cheat and use cool whip, it wont work!


Eileen said...

Love the cake recipe. My mother-in-law makes that same one, but we call it "Zebra". Might work for your zoo lingo! So delish and you're right -- cool whip just isn't the same, and overnight is a must, or the chocolate wafers are too crispy. Yum...I'm hungry just thinking about it.

Take care,

The Mrs. said...

Sounds delish!